Thursday, 5 December 2013

Please read this -.- PROPERLY FOR ONCE!

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor.
The methods used are limited only by the child's imagination and access to technology. And the cyberbully one moment may become the victim the next.Kids usually know it when they see it, while parents may be more worried about the lewd language used by the kids than the hurtful effect of rude and embarrassing posts.
Cyberbullying may rise to the level of a misdemeanor cyberharassment charge, or if the child is young enough may result in the charge of juvenile delinquency. Most of the time the cyberbullying does not go that far, although parents often try and pursue criminal charges. It typically can result in a child losing their ISP or IM accounts as a terms of service violation. And in some cases, if hacking or password and identity theft is involved, can be a serious criminal matter under state and federal law.
When schools try and get involved by disciplining the student for cyberbullying actions that took place off-campus and outside of school hours, they are often sued for exceeding their authority and violating the student's free speech right. They also, often lose. Schools can be very effective brokers in working with the parents to stop and remedy cyberbullying situations. They can also educate the students on cyberethics and the law. If schools are creative, they can sometimes avoid the claim that their actions exceeded their legal authority for off-campus cyberbullying actions. We recommend that a provision is added to the school's acceptable use policy reserving the right to discipline the student for actions taken off-campus if they are intended to have an effect on a student or they adversely affect the safety and well-being of student while in school. This makes it a contractual, not a constitutional, issue.

- Rough Definition of bullying [ Basically it is the definition i just took out the awkward bits... (sexual...) ]

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. 

Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behaviour by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person.

- Small Definition of Bullying

Ok ill change the text colour for the important bits.

''Bullying is repeated verbal'' (Insults included ext.)

''Bullying is unwanted'' (Witnessing bullying myself... i remember it as horror... i treat people on how i wish to be treated... but still they treat me unfairly..)

Do you guys seriously need a bigger explanation than that? or do i have to keep on going!?

- Anon MSP -

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Why is my identity a secret...?

A. You Roxy fans will start putting hate on me because of the true proof I'm showing/putting on here.

B. I can keep my identity confidential its my decision.

C. You can put hate on this person : Anon MSP - but i assure you. There is no point , why? Because your talking to this random unknown person that doesn't exist , not me.

D. as i am quoted by angelling's who got confused because they didn't read the recent posts... I am not doing this for attention... i just don't like it when people get bullied

E. i've been bullied in real and cyber bullied on my main before , i know how the pain feels like and the terror , so why would i bully anyone else? I'm mature enough to understand how unfair cyber bullying / bullying is.

Any more questions why my identity is a secret? Nope? Yeah you have none , because this is all the information about why i keep my identity a secret.

And the reason i try to put a smile in my reply comments , its to keep myself cheered up after hate comments. -.-

- Anon MSP -

Okay people , i spoke to holly and candi and i told them the truth,

and they said it was okay. So this blog is back*

- Anon MSP -

To Holly

Okay fine... I do have a team I'm on... Im on angellings :s Holly my computer's really stupid , i just copied and pasted pictures... But if you scroll down and read my post.... i mean the first one i did... Maybe you'll understand.... I mean :s Im sorry if you think I'm doing a bad thing... But I'm not roxy... I swear down I'm not :( I'll take down this blog if you want me too... But i don't trust roxy either... She hasn't got any manners... The reason I'm ''Anon MSP'' is because i want my msp name to be unknown... cause i obviously know ill start getting hate from roxy fans... ect... Im sorry if i went too far... (Also sometimes i copy and paste stuff it absolutely messes up...)

- Anon MSP -

Maybe even my last post... 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

HollyRenee's ''Words Of Wisdom''

holly's blogpost:

Roxy really come on?

Honestly when will you stop being a hypocrite?  You say I am jealous of you all.. PLEASE think again.. I am in no way of jealous of you, Fran or Isha.. Why you ask.. I am nice for one.. I dont put people down for their movies I always rate them 5/5.. I dont unfriend ppl like a lot of you do.. I dont scam people.. I dont delete comments on my blog when people make me look bad on it like you do I see so many posts you deleted from my friends be smart and delete the who thing including who wrote it.. The list goes on.. you say i started blogging about you all after you over took me.. Think again.. I started soon before.. and also come to think of it I wish I did blog way before to show everyone all the hateful comments people made to me for over taking Fran those times.. My real friends and people who know me know I didnt make that comment given my history.. " Can we say didnt think about that when you all photo shopped it".. To me your comment shows your already known character to everyone.. I didnt photo shop that.. and I know Candired didnt either.. I dont even have the programs on my lap top and wouldnt know how to photo shop.. FGS look @ my blog not the prettiest lol..
Quit saying I am jealous of you and your friends.. you all just wish I was.. that what it falls down to.... & stop putting my "Angel"ings down.. ever since I started with Angels are Angelic and Inspirational.. I noticed more of your hate blogs.. -_- I never claimed to be angel..The term Angelings has meaning to me.. personal.. which every knows about since you all call me a fame seeker for it.. Again get off your high horse.. all of you really come back down to msp :D


And now , Roxy claims that her comment was photoshopped. 

Post Number 2 by hollyrenee

Something wrong with Roxy's blog post!

Want to know what it is? Before framing me.. I dont use words like Vile.. hello ppl.. Know how I talk b4 framing me..

I have been on that game long enough for you all to know i dont talk like that..

Also another thing.. why would i say something so cruel after loosing my own mother and now taking care of my siblings? You all answer me that!

& another thing tell them ti check the time again that time i was not on.. It was Thanksgiving Day for Americans... and also my brother birthday! Yes I was on msp and made a blog post on this blog.. 2 of them happy thanksgiving and another one about hate.. 

They want the bullying to stop.. Then have it stop.. have them stop having their friends use random accounts to hate on us with.. 

My friends have been asked to stay away from them they have not done that for me or Candired.. Me and Candired both asked our friends.. NOW hero's do the same..

I never said it.. I am sticking to that! 


And roxy hasn't done anymore posts at the moment...........

Nither has fran & the others...

- Anon MSP -

Monday, 2 December 2013

Im being mature.

i am not cyber bullying , i just prove points.

At the moment the whole ''Commenting'' Thing. I'm not believing anyone because any of them could be lying.

When reading my post's start off by reading the most oldest post. Ty.

Go girl :)

So basically Roxy-1 replied my comments and claims that Candi & Holly Photoshoped it.
Well nobody knows if it is true , but what if Roxy and Fran photo   shoped what they said too?

Well we know that neither of the sides are gonna start talking. I don't believe anybody at the moment referring to the pictures. I'm not stating anything for this because Roxy has a point and has got us all thinking.... but still I'm not stating anything because i am unsure if this is true or not. So don't get confused by this post.

But the thing is that Fran & Roxy only just started saying that it was photoshopped as far as i know.
Here's some comments.

@Elise Scott

:) You are Awsome.


Fran states that she will be posting deeper and deeper proof.......


@Olivia Brissett

She does not deserve to be reported because there is no proof that it has been photoshopped or not.


- Anon MSP -

Thank You!

Finally somebody who knows the truth!

Thank you @MoggythecatxD

Roxy Fans , Read it and learn!

- Anon MSP -

Oooh Roxy Fans starting here c:

Glad you came to this blog c: Really.
I love it when people talk nonsense and act childish :)


Oh wow. Childish :) Anyway.
So im a cyber bully for just stating points and telling the truth?
Yeah. Here! Ill give you a link to what cyber bulling means. :) Please read slowly. oh here's a picture.

You learn something every day! :) Don't you.

- Anon MSP -

Like i care if you guys wanna lie and be childish. Not my problem. I just post proof and state points and i stand up for the good people. You don't like the truth? Leave this blog then and act mature. Simple as that. If you can't do that then your just acting pathetic.

Ta Ta :)

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Thats Roxy's Post that i kept on commenting/Replying comments to

Roxy said this :

So Holly Replied with this:

And she claims that they are bullying her? :O Wow. Holly & Candi REPLY hate. They don't post it, and people who POST hate ; Roxy-1

Hellooooh? -.- Somebody get these people some glasses.

- Anon MSP -

Roxy-1 [ The comments i posted/Replied ]

Comments that i posted on her blog :)

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Roxy-1 ...? Is she... Who you think she is?


Is this gal who you think she is?

One of the most kindest people you've met...? If you think thats true then,.. your obviously evil or deaf or blind :)

No offence (i)

Anyway..... As i was saying.

Roxy-1 is so nice to candi But candi's bullying her.... EH NO I DONT THINK SO!
:) I Know she isn't!

Roxy-1 Is one of the meanest people on MSP.

I'm Anon MSP reporting as much detail as i could find in 50 mins about Roxy-1.

Candi is a girl full of potential she is a inspiration and she is warm hearted. She does not deserve to be 3rd place. Recently a couple of weeks ago user Roxy-1 [Level 25] Because 2nd Place on the MSP UK Highscores. She is planning on getting her fans and others to get all together to get rid of Candired And HollyRenee.

Here is Proof.

That is a post that is posted by level 25 user Candired. In the Picture It shows a comment by user Roxy-1

This comment proves that she wants candi and holly out of MSP for good. We all know what roxy's plan is, it's to bully Candi and holly until they are quitting so they can have a little evil , devil , mean people , people-who-do-not-like-candired-because-they-make-up-lies-about-her-so-that-she-is-known-to-be-mean-when-shes-not Party.

User Boy-got-swag [Level 24] On UK MSP - Holly's Boyfriend

Posted two posts to user Roxy-1



Then Roxy Started complaining and Isha joined in with the whole Be-Mean-Cuz-We-Love-Making-Good-People-Cry Sort of way.

Then Boy-Got-Swag Replied on another post on his blog saying :

you say we weren't talking about candired? eh? well, here's where your wrong. you REFUSED to mention candired as you knew and were scared i was going to post it so you could have easily denied it. and yes, i know what the meaning of 'lied' lie to your fans by saying your the better person.well, your not. its about time your fans realise your not all peachy and cream and its time they knew the real you. ~ swag 

Well We all will soon know the real devious Roxy-1 sooner than you all think.
Us Candi Fans know the truth
But the Roxy Fans are too blinded by the light of fame , Well you should know , Famous people love to be mean , Its a thing , Oh wait... Its a thing for the Devils.

Anyway Vilans.... Haha.... 

Roxy-1's Post a couple of days ago

''Recently I passed Candired on Highscores.
It was something that was going to happen because of movie views, and the fame I was getting. No matter what she did she couldn't stop me. I enjoy making movies. I'm not going to tell people not the watch them to please one user am I?

When I passed her, I got alot of hate from a group on msp, to your surprise they are called 'ANGEL-lings' Or 'Angelings' This group is meant to be peaceful and calm but over the last week that has not been the case!

Almost all the haters I have had hate from are angelings, this group that was formed by non other than Candireds best friend Holly. I made an artbook to thank my friends and fans for helping me to 2nd Place. I never thought it would happen so I wanted to thank them as any normal nice human being would do.''

Now Lets Shorten it down bit :

No matter what she did she couldn't stop me. I want to turn everyone on candi because i hate her. 

Lets add Mwahahahahaha on the end... :) 

[ First Bit of the shortened bit from her blog :

2nd bit : From her Evil Comment (Picture Posted on Candi & Holly's Blog For proof )

Anyway. Fran is Epic also Backed Roxy-1 up with a little bit of hate Sprinkled on a cupcake. Because she is part of the ''Villans'' Right?...

She also posted A little bit of somthin'...

Here's a short sentence.

Lies, Lies & Pretty Much More Lies.

I will NOT stand by watching people twist things to suit them and try and bring down my name.
Holly, you say that we need to 'control' our fans, but you CONSTANTLY preach that you 'can't tell your Angelings what to do'

Sweetheart , Holly doesn't need to control her fans :) Ya No why? Because your fans started it, Your fans end it , so do Angellings. Get Your facts right Hun.

I Obviously Will keep an eye out for more proof , oh what am i saying , they're will be proof all around the internet. Why? Because Evil Never Win... Something You 3 have to Learn

- Anon MSP -

You are Obviously Going to Block & Report This Blog if you see it :) Like i care... I'll be making accounts over and over again... Just Watch Me. I even Emailed this whole post to my email on yahoo so i can copy and paste and post it all over again.