Thursday, 5 December 2013

Please read this -.- PROPERLY FOR ONCE!

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor.
The methods used are limited only by the child's imagination and access to technology. And the cyberbully one moment may become the victim the next.Kids usually know it when they see it, while parents may be more worried about the lewd language used by the kids than the hurtful effect of rude and embarrassing posts.
Cyberbullying may rise to the level of a misdemeanor cyberharassment charge, or if the child is young enough may result in the charge of juvenile delinquency. Most of the time the cyberbullying does not go that far, although parents often try and pursue criminal charges. It typically can result in a child losing their ISP or IM accounts as a terms of service violation. And in some cases, if hacking or password and identity theft is involved, can be a serious criminal matter under state and federal law.
When schools try and get involved by disciplining the student for cyberbullying actions that took place off-campus and outside of school hours, they are often sued for exceeding their authority and violating the student's free speech right. They also, often lose. Schools can be very effective brokers in working with the parents to stop and remedy cyberbullying situations. They can also educate the students on cyberethics and the law. If schools are creative, they can sometimes avoid the claim that their actions exceeded their legal authority for off-campus cyberbullying actions. We recommend that a provision is added to the school's acceptable use policy reserving the right to discipline the student for actions taken off-campus if they are intended to have an effect on a student or they adversely affect the safety and well-being of student while in school. This makes it a contractual, not a constitutional, issue.

- Rough Definition of bullying [ Basically it is the definition i just took out the awkward bits... (sexual...) ]

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. 

Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behaviour by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person.

- Small Definition of Bullying

Ok ill change the text colour for the important bits.

''Bullying is repeated verbal'' (Insults included ext.)

''Bullying is unwanted'' (Witnessing bullying myself... i remember it as horror... i treat people on how i wish to be treated... but still they treat me unfairly..)

Do you guys seriously need a bigger explanation than that? or do i have to keep on going!?

- Anon MSP -


  1. I didn't mean to upset you with my last comment ( The one where you posted about your secret Identity) but just sop this blog because the fighting has cooled down! But when you write stuff like this is just gets Heroes even more angry. They will probably think Candired or Hollyrenee are behind this, so this won't help calm their hate down. "The methods used are limited only by the child's imagination and access to technology" Making this blog your humiliating Roxy and embarrassing her by posting this. The Heroes fans could make a blog like this how would you feel? Wouldn't your hate to Roxy grow even more! Delete this blog becuase all your doing is stirring things up between Candi and Roxy. I'm pretty sure Candi and Hollyrenee have said horrible stuff aswell but you don't see us posting it everywhere. I'm saying all this so the arguments between Roxy and Candired will calm down but if this blog stays then Roxy will keep on getting angry and you can't blame her.

  2. I meant stop instead of sop
